
What's New

A rundown of the latest TofuPilot feature releases, product enhancements, design updates, and important bug fixes.


Track test steps

Testing hardware in production usually requires many steps. We're introducing Steps, a way to help you quickly identify the test steps that are failing the most and taking up the most time, from simple pass/fail checks to advanced numeric tests.

Release Highlight

Version 0.39.0


  • Introducing Steps: Log test results with structured Steps in the Python client and REST API. Integrate seamlessly into existing scripts without disruption.
  • Steps UI Initial Release: Run page now includes Steps section; Procedure page shows average durations and pass rates.
  • Open Source Python Client: Now open-sourced under an MIT license for community engagement. ⭐️ Star the GitHub repo for updates.

Upload Runs attachments

Manufacturing tests often generate data in various formats, such as logs and images. With the TofuPilot Python client, you can now easily upload these files. The attachments are securely stored and can be conveniently accessed on the test run page.

Release Highlight

Version 0.38.0


  • Attachment Support: You can now upload attachments directly from the Python client when creating runs. Upload is fully secure to TofuPilot servers. Attachments are available on the test run page and can be opened directly through the browser.

Track tests through assembly

Electronic product assembly often involves many components tested incrementally during the process. To enable precise tracking, TofuPilot introduces sub-units: a new parameter in its REST API and Python client. With a simple API call, you can now define when a unit is assembled into a larger set. TofuPilot will automatically link and track these sub-units, making it easy to monitor them in the UI.

Release Highlight

Version 0.37.0


  • Sub-Units Support: Our latest API release enables uploading optional sub-unit parameters to the test run endpoint. This allows assembly test stations to automatically assign sub-units as children of the assembly units being tested, ensuring seamless unit test traceability throughout the assembly line.
  • New Unit Page: These updates are immediately visible in the TofuPilot UI, with sub-units shown in the Units table and on dedicated Unit pages.
  • Improved Loading UI: Enhancements have been made to the loading interface for a smoother user experience.

Version 0.36.0


  • Simplified Onboarding: Streamlined onboarding for new users and inviting team members to existing organizations, making the process smoother and more intuitive.
  • New "Get Started" Page: Provides code examples and step-by-step instructions for uploading your first test runs via the API, helping users get up to speed quickly.
  • Python SDK: Available on pip for easy installation and integration, this SDK simplifies embedding TofuPilot functionality into your test scripts.

Version 0.35.0


  • Testing Hub UI: We created a new simplified UI exclusively for hardware test management. This streamlined experience is designed to optimize your testing workflow. Existing users can easily switch between the Workspace view and the new Testing Hub UI.
  • API REST: Introducing a new secure API endpoint to upload test runs directly from hardware test scripts, enhancing automation and integration capabilities.

Improved editor experience

Our users rely on and love our editor, so we're always looking for ways to make it even better. Today, we're rolling out some new features to improve your editing experience. You can now resize images, easily create hyperlinks, and rearrange paragraphs with a simple drag and drop. We hope you enjoy these enhancements!

Release Highlight

Version 0.34.0


Editor Improvements:

  • Image Resize: You can now resize images directly within the editor, allowing for greater control over image placement and presentation.
  • Add Link UI: We've introduced a new user interface for adding links within your text, making it easier to insert and manage hyperlinks seamlessly.
  • Paragraph Drag and Drop for Reorder: Reordering paragraphs is now simpler than ever with the new drag-and-drop functionality, enabling effortless rearrangement of content within your documents.
  • Improved Layout: We've enhanced the overall layout of the editor, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for creating and editing content.

Version 0.33.0


  • Unique IDs for Each Data Type: We've introduced unique identifiers for each data type, providing a reliable way to reference and track individual elements within your projects.
  • Excel Export for All Data Tables: You can now export data from all tables in TofuPilot to Excel format, making it easier to analyze and share project information externally.
  • Sub-Categories Toggle: We've added a new toggle feature for sub-categories, allowing users to conveniently expand or collapse nested categories for improved navigation and organization.


  • Increased Name Length for Requirements: We've increased the maximum character length allowed for requirement names, providing users with more flexibility when naming their project elements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Issue with Quick Successive Parameter Updates: We've resolved an issue that was occurring when users attempted quick successive parameter updates in the table view, ensuring smoother and more reliable performance.

Version 0.32.0

New Feature:

  • AI Search (Alpha): We're excited to introduce the AI Search feature, now available in alpha mode. This innovative feature creates a chat interface that allows selected pilot teams on TofuPilot to utilize natural language to query the project data model.

Save custom views

We've introduced the ability to create custom views based on specific filter selections such as status, labels, owners, or categories. These views can be saved and accessed later by any team member. Additionally, they are linkable, enabling seamless navigation and sharing via URLs.

Release Highlight

Version 0.31.0


  • Custom Views with Saved Filters: Users can now create custom views by saving filters, which can be shared within their workspace. These views are fully updatable and navigable, allowing for enhanced project organization and efficiency.


  • Improved Mobile Navigation: We've enhanced the mobile navigation experience for both the project overview page and table view.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved Connection Issue with Text Editor: An issue that was preventing some users from connecting to the text editor has been successfully resolved.
  • Login Issue Fix: We solved an issue that was preventing some users from logging in via email in rare cases.


  • Domain Redirect: We have disabled our previous domain,, which now redirects users to the TofuPilot home page at

Breakdown with sub-categories

Our category features have been well-received and heavily used. We've heard that you want more detailed control, especially in the space sector where organizing requirements can get complex. So, we're introducing sub-categories for all data types.


Version 0.30.0


  • Sub-Categories for All Data Types: In response to feedback from teams managing extensive requirements, especially in the space industry, we've added the ability to create sub-categories for any data type. This enhancement facilitates deeper and more flexible organization, allowing you to structure your projects with greater precision and clarity.
  • Enhanced Category Performance: We've optimized the performance for creating and updating categories, making these operations faster and more efficient. This improvement ensures a smoother user experience when organizing your data, regardless of project size or complexity.

Designs 1.0

Designs is out of beta, offering faster performance and new features. It helps teams outline and track product structures from start to finish, allowing for the creation and management of components, assemblies, and instances. New updates include a “View All Revisions” feature for easy comparison, category support, and enhanced navigation and speed.

Release Highlight

Version 0.29.0


  • Designs Out of Beta: Our Designs feature is now fully launched, offering a complete suite for managing design components with their revisions, instances in a fully hierarchical way.
  • New Revisions Navigation: Easily navigate through all revisions of your designs with our new "View All Revisions" feature.
  • New Category for Components: Categories are now enabled for Designs.
  • Fixes for Design Instances: We've addressed and resolved issues with Design instances, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience when managing Designs.
  • Evidence Feature Update: Direct linking from actions to requirements is now disabled, replaced by our new Evidence feature.

Project Iterations

Leveraging our powerful underlying data model, TofuPilot now offers real-time tracking of project's iterations. This adaptable feature supports integration with a variety of product development frameworks, such as the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) system used in aerospace, the EVT / DVT / PVT processes prevalent in consumer electronics, as well as Design Controls required in the medical device industry.

Release Highlight

Version 0.28.0


  • Project Iterations: Introducing the ability to create project iterations, allowing for a dynamic link between revisions of design changes and objectives within these iterations. This new feature enables unparalleled precision in tracking project progress and risks in real-time, ensuring teams can manage and monitor developments more effectively than ever before.
  • New "Overview" Page: We've replaced the traditional home page with a new "Overview" section, designed to enhance the accessibility and provide immediate insights into the latest project phases and their progress.
  • Enhanced Project Descriptions: Projects can now be accompanied by text descriptions, offering additional context and details.

Version 0.27.9


  • Revamped Teammate Invitation Flow: We've improved the process for inviting teammates to TofuPilot. It's now possible for users to join an organization even after they've created an account. Invited users are visible from the organization's user list, and invitations will expire after 30 days, streamlining team expansion and management.
  • Updated Sign-In Flow: To address accessibility issues, especially for users with certain Microsoft tenants and those accessing from iOS devices, we've moved from magic links to verification codes for signing in.
  • Flexible Connection Options: Users now have the flexibility to connect using either email verification codes or social providers, offering more convenience and choice in how you access TofuPilot.

Version 0.27.0


  • Proof Mechanism: We've introduced a proof mechanism that enables you to link the test run used to validate a requirement directly to a design revision. This enhances traceability and simplifies the validation process.
  • Login Support for Google and Microsoft Accounts: Users can now log in using their Google and Microsoft accounts, making access easier and more secure.


  • Drag and Drop Feature: The drag and drop functionality has been improved for more precise control when organizing parents and children within Design or Requirements trees.
  • Expand/Collapse Shortcut: A new shortcut for expanding and collapsing parents in the product tree has been added for easier navigation.
  • UI Improvements: We've made several improvements to the app's UI, enhancing the look and feel across various points for a more intuitive user experience.
  • Page Performance: Speed enhancements have been implemented to increase page loading times, making the app faster and more responsive.

Version 0.26.7


  • Faster Table Page Loads: We've scaled our infrastructure to significantly speed up the loading times for table pages. Load durations have been reduced by up to three times, providing a smoother and more efficient user experience.

Version 0.26.0


  • Improved UI for Relations Pills and Preview: We've upgraded the UI design to make related data types more accessible. Additionally, the quick access panel for relations has been redesigned for faster opening and easier navigation, streamlining your workflow and improving overall usability.

Introducing Designs

In Strake 0.25, we're excited to roll out Designs, a highly requested feature that completes our data model and will significantly boost your team's capabilities. Designs allow you to represent various system elements like assemblies, individual components, or instances. This feature makes it easy to describe your system as it is and link it directly to other data types in TofuPilot.

You can now connect requirements to specific assemblies in your product or link defects found during testing directly to the design. Creating assets from designs is straightforward, helping you track prototypes or test units while maintaining a connection to their original design. Each design also comes with its own text editor, allowing for detailed notes and reviews. This new addition of Designs in Strake 0.25 is a game-changer, enhancing how you manage and interact with your projects.

Release Highlight
User InterfaceFeature

New UI: Categories & More Space for Projects

In the latest update of Strake 0.25, we are introducing a new user interface (UI) that creates more space for each project, thanks to a new horizontal navigation bar. Alongside this, we're adding a category system for every data type, allowing you to separate and organize your data more effectively. This system lets you quickly switch between different category views without losing track of your work. Labels are still a part of the system and can be used as a secondary way to categorize, just as they were intended.

Release Highlight

Version 0.25.0


  • Support for Design: Full support for design with the final data model has been implemented. Users can now create components and assemblies, each with revisions and instances. The view is currently in beta but already offers extensive functionality.
  • Support for Categories: We have introduced a categorization system for each data type, providing a primary level of organization. Labels continue to be available for secondary categorization level.
  • Redesigned UI: The user interface has been enhanced with a horizontal project navigation bar, optimizing workspace area.
  • Support for Trials: Our trial system has been activated. Users with expired trials will be redirected to a page to contact our sales team for further assistance.

Track every change

Strake 0.24 introduces two powerful features to keep you in control. With Version History, your project element content is automatically saved after each edit, compatible with multiplayer use and easy restoration of previous versions. Meanwhile, our enhanced Activity Logging now covers all properties of project elements, allowing you to monitor changes to properties like names, labels and more.

Release Highlight

Version 0.24.0


  • Version History for Content: We're introducing versioning for all project element content. Your work is now automatically saved after each editing session. This feature is compatible with multiplayer collaboration and allows you to easily restore previous versions.
  • Enhanced Activity Logging: Activity logging now covers all properties of project elements. Stay updated on changes to properties such as name updates, labels, estimated time and due date.
  • Streamlined Estimated Time and Target Date: You can now view and set estimated time and target dates directly from the editor page for Plans and Actions.
  • Plan-to-Action Estimated Time Copy: When creating an Action from a Plan, the estimated time is now copied over for more efficient planning.
User InterfaceFeature

A New Home

In Strake 0.23.0, we introduce the first version of your new home page, combining a streamlined project quick-access panel with a minimized Strake platform changelog. This integration provides a comprehensive and convenient view of your current projects and the latest updates on Strake. As new features become available, we will continue to evolve this home page, ensuring it serves as an ideal starting point and a dynamic overview of all activities on your platform.

Release Highlight

Version 0.23.0


  • New Home Page: Experience our redesigned home page in Strake 0.23.0. It's been tailored for a clearer overview and quicker access to your projects, enhancing your workflow efficiency.
  • UI Improvements: Various minor but impactful UI improvements have been made across the app, contributing to a more user-friendly interface.


  • Price Page Access Fixed: We've resolved a glitch that was preventing some users in specific regions from accessing the price page. This fix ensures equal access for all users, regardless of location.

Simplify Data Relations

In Strake 0.22.0, we've made relations a central focus. Through user research, we discovered that more relations between data were created than we originally designed the UI for. Users also found cross-data-type tables confusing. To address this, we've introduced a side panel that simplifies relation management. Now, you can easily create, link to existing items, filter, and search within relations.

Release Highlight

Version 0.22.0


  • Introducing Relations Panel: We've revamped the way we view data relations, bidding farewell to the cross-data-type tables that could be confusing for new users. In their place, we've introduced a side panel to help you manage relations like never before. Now you can create, link to existing items, filter, and search in relations with ease.
  • New Primitive Naming: We've given our primitives a fresh naming makeover. Now, products are referred to as assets, issues as defects, and templates as plans for a clearer and more intuitive experience.
  • Table Query Performance Improvement: We've made enhancements to the performance of table queries, ensuring a smoother and more efficient user experience.

Version 0.21.0


  • Signup and In-App Invite Members Flows: We've introduced a signup flow and in-app invite members flow, making it easier to onboard and collaborate with your team.
  • Enhanced Name Palette Usage: The name palette can now be used to edit data names in the Table view, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience.
  • Changelog Sidebar on Home Page: Stay informed about the latest updates with our new changelog sidebar on the home page, keeping you in the loop on all the changes and improvements.
  • Reduced Page Initial Load Time: Enjoy a faster experience with reduced initial load times across pages, ensuring quicker access to the information you need.
  • Placeholder Page for Design Development: We've added a placeholder page to keep you better informed about the ongoing feature development.

Hardware Collaboration Meets 3D

We're rolling out a technical preview of our Design data type and 3D Design Explorer View for Pro users. Now you can import CAD models, view them in 3D or table view, and work on them just like any other data in the app. Plus, see who else is working on the same design with multiplayer cursors.

Release Highlight

Version 0.20.0


  • Design Data Type and 3D Viewer - Technical Preview: Introducing the first technical preview of the Design data type and 3D viewer for our Pro users. This initial release is a significant step in responding to a highly anticipated feature by our community.
  • Blog Feature: We added a blog feature to provide regular updates on company and community news, keeping users informed about Strake's developments. Find it at
  • Performance Enhancements in Data Creation: The process of creating data in table view has been improved for increased speed and efficiency.
  • Quicker Loading in Side Peek View: Articles in the Side Peek view now load faster, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • UI Improvements Across the App: A range of user interface improvements have been implemented, offering a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.
  • Updated Project Table View URLs: URLs for project table views have been updated for improved navigation and consistency.

Version 0.19.2


  • Side Peek UI: Introduced a new 'Side Peek' user interface for quick access to the editor page without leaving your current view.
  • Faster Data Table Loading: Enhanced query performance for quicker load times of data tables, improving overall application speed.
  • Streamlined Action Creation from Templates: Boosted the performance of creating actions from templates, making the process more efficient.

Collaborate in Real-Time

Unlock efficient teamwork by using our new multiplayer feature in the editor, designed for real-time collaboration among multiple users.

Release Highlight

Version 0.19.0


  • Multiplayer Editor: Introduced a multiplayer mode in the editor, allowing multiple users to collaborate in real-time for more efficient teamwork.

Version 0.18.1


  • Enhanced UI for Multiple Data Operations: Optimized UI responsiveness across various data operations throughout the app, providing a faster and more efficient user experience.

Manage all your Actions in one place

The new My Actions page allows you to view all Actions assigned to you or your team members. Additionally, you can set individual due dates and time estimates, complemented by detailed analytics, to fine-tune your workflow.

Release Highlight

Version 0.18.0


  • Consolidated List: View all your Actions from multiple projects in one place.
  • Time Management: Set target dates and estimated hours to better plan your week.
  • Advanced Analytics: Gain insights that help you accurately plan your hours and track updates on your weekly actions more effectively.

Unselect owner

You can now remove the owner from a primitive, giving you increased flexibility in how you manage your data.

Release Highlight

Version 0.17.1


  • Unselect Owner from Primitive: Added the functionality to remove the owner from a primitive, providing more flexibility in managing your data.
  • Snappier UI for Creation Operation: Optimized the "New" creation operation for instant feedback, making the user interface more responsive and snappy.

Get better updates about Strake

All Strake content is now centralized on, making it easier than ever to find what you need. Plus, effortlessly stay up-to-date with our redesigned 'What's New' page for the latest feature updates.

Release Highlight

Make data-driven decisions with ease

We've enhanced analytics to offer you richer insights. The improved link graph is now more readable, and new analytics cover status activity for all data types over the past 7 days.

Release Highlight

Version 0.17.0


  • Improved Link Graph Analytics: Based on your feedback, we've enhanced the readability of the link graph, making it easier to interpret and act on your data.
  • Extended Analytics for All Data Types: We've expanded our analytics capabilities. Now you can view the status activity update graph for the past 7 days across all data types.
  • Data Update Performance: Optimized the performance of various data update operations, delivering a faster, more efficient user experience.
  • Unified Landing Page: Streamlined navigation by consolidating all Strake-related content onto Don't worry, will continue to work for the time being.
  • New 'What's New' Page: Migrated our release notes to a brand new "What's New" page, making it easier than ever to stay updated on the latest features and improvements.

Gain better insights with Requirements analytics

You are now able to gain deeper insights into your requirements coverage in Templates and Actions, along with their recent status changes, through our newly-added Analytics panel.

Release Highlight

Track updates on records

You can now track status and owner changes to a record via the Update panel on the Editor page.

Release Highlight

Version 0.16.0


  • Updates Panel in Editor: Integrated updates panels within the editor page, enabling users to track status and owner changes throughout the lifecycle of a primitive.
  • Pre-made Analytics for Requirements: Introduced the first set of pre-made analytics graphs focused on requirements management for now. These visual insights enhance user understanding of requirements coverage in Templates & Actions.
  • Status Reset Option: Included an option to reset statuses to their default values, simplifying and accelerating the app on-boarding process.
  • Row Option Deletion: Added a delete option in the row context menu, offering more control over table management.


  • Main Table Sorting: Resolved a rare issue affecting sorting in the main table view.
  • Bulk Deletion: Fixed an issue with bulk deletion not functioning correctly when an excessive number of elements were selected.

Version 0.15.1


  • Status Activity Change: Introduced backend support for tracking changes in status activities. This foundational update will pave the way for upcoming features that enhance user experience.


  • Namespace Sorting: Corrected a rare glitch where primitives were not displayed in the correct namespace order in the table view.
  • Multiple Deletion: Addressed an issue where deleting multiple primitives simultaneously failed under certain conditions.

Add data more easily

You are now able to add data, create tree structures or add relationships directly from table rows.

Release Highlight
User Interface

Customise your experience

You can now add a profile picture to your account and find it throughout the application.

Release Highlight

Version 0.15.0


  • Quick Primitive Creation: Added "New" buttons to create primitives directly in the table from various contexts. Now, you can not only create new primitives but also directly create related primitives, children primitives, or instantiated primitives, making daily operations even more efficient.
  • Enhanced Sign-up Error Handling: Improved error handling mechanisms during the sign-up process to provide clearer feedback when something’s not right.

Explore the new global search feature

Use this feature to easily find and navigate between projects and different types of data.

Release Highlight
User Interface

Improved relationship selection guide

We have made the relationship selection interface more understandable by showing what connections are possible from each type of data, with examples and a filter-by-type option.

Release Highlight

Version 0.14.0


  • Link Select UI Improvement: We improved the link select UI to make it easier to understand what links are possible from which type of data, providing examples and a namespace filter option.
  • Global Search Feature: We added a global search feature to find and navigate easily between data types.
  • Settings Menu Layout: We improved the layout of the settings menu.
User InterfaceImprovement

More controls at the row level

We've introduced a new 'Row Options Menu' that you'll find as a dropdown at the beginning of each row. This menu provides a list of actions tailored for the specific row, enabling quicker access to key functionalities right where you are.

Release Highlight

Simplify workflows with Templates

Experience a faster, more efficient way to set up intricate sequences like test plans or operational procedures with our new Templates data type. Create reusable action templates to optimize your workflow.

Release Highlight

Version 0.13.0


  • Templates Data Type: We’ve introduced the new Templates data type. You can now create reusable action templates, making the process of setting up complex sequences like test plans or operational procedures more streamlined and efficient.
  • Row Options Menu: To allow quicker access to key functionalities, right from where you are, we’ve added a new row options menu. You'll find it as a dropdown at the beginning of each row, offering a list of actions that can be performed for the specific row.

Version 0.12.0


  • User Image Profile: We've introduced a new user profile image upload feature. Simply navigate to 'My Account' settings, and upload your preferred image. It's intuitive, secure, and a great way to make your profile truly your own.

Version 0.11.0


  • New Table Layout: We've upgraded our table layout for better customisation and user control. Now, you can easily change the visibility and size of the columns, benefiting from an improved select and drag-and-drop interface optimised for accessibility.
  • New Relations Columns: To improve your overview and management of data relations, we have introduced a new feature - relations columns. This gives you the ability to see related data types for each data types, with the additional capability to toggle extended views. The extended views provide you with a progress bar and name list for quick access. A new relation button is also included, letting you create or remove relations directly from the table view.


  • Global Filtering Bug Fix: We have rectified an issue that previously prevented the global filtering function from working correctly for status, labels, and users columns.

Version 0.10.0


  • Enhanced Text Editor: Our editor now supports more formatting options such as tables, code marks, code blocks, quotes, to-dos, bullet lists, numbered lists, dividers and more. We have also improved the floating edit menu and introduced a new slash command menu.
  • Secure Image Upload and Tables: We've added support for secure image upload and insertion in text editor.
  • Improved Table View Performances: We have enhanced the UI performance within the table view, making interactions more responsive.
  • Sign-in UI: Enjoy a better sign-in experience with new UI design for sign-in pages.


  • Mobile Layout: We've fixed the mobile layout so that the primitive properties section is now also displayed, ensuring a consistent experience across devices.

Version 0.9.0


  • Cross-type Views: We have added cross-type views to the table along with a "Show Relations" button for improved data visualization.
  • Advanced Filtering Options: Introduced multi-type "Filter", "Sort", and "Global Filter" options to enhance your data management experience.
  • Simplified Navigation: The navigation bar layout has been streamlined for easier use.

Version 0.8.3


  • Editor Page: Fixed an issue related to heading levels on the editor page.
  • Primitive Rows: The “Edit” button on primitive rows has been updated to “Open” for improved clarity.

Version 0.8.2


  • Label and Status Management: Resolved an issue where labels and statuses could not be deleted while assigned to a primitive.
  • Editing Menus: Fixed an issue with the headers of labels and statuses editing menus.

Version 0.8.1


  • Table View Rendering: Fixed an issue causing rendering problems on the table view.

Version 0.8.0


  • Collaboration Features: Multi-tenant and multi-user support introduced. Strake is now fully collaborative, allowing any number of users to join an organisation and work on their data securely.
  • Welcome Page Update: Revamped welcome page for a better user experience.


  • Primitive Sharing: Temporarily disabled the ability to share a primitive between projects due to a bug.
  • View Settings: Temporarily disabled view settings that allow seeing linked primitives in the table.

Version 0.7.0


  • User Registration: Enabled registration for new users to join Strake with their organisation ID.
  • User Settings Page: A new user settings page introduced displaying all members of the current organisation.


  • Mobile Sign-up: Improved the mobile login and signup process for better user experience.

Version 0.6.1


  • Table Action Tool: Fixed the layout of the table action tool and its behavior when switching to another page.

Version 0.6.0


  • Status and Label Management: Added UI to create/update statuses and labels from new settings menu.
  • Navigation Enhancements: Implemented a proper 404 page and redirections for navigation issues, and added project names to the table page title for easier navigation.
  • Simplified On-boarding: Removed custom project description and status colour for easier user on-boarding.
  • Sharing Feature: Added a share button in the editor page to copy the page URL to clipboard.


  • Property Slide-over: Fixed alignment of buttons in the property slide-over.
  • Projects and Labels Display: Fixed stacking issues of projects and labels in table and editor page.

Version 0.5.1


  • Mouseover Actions: Show edit buttons/links remove button on mouseover.
  • Dropdown Highlighting: Highlight dropdowns when related primitive viewed.
  • UI Text Handling: Long texts in the UI are now truncated to prevent overflowing.


  • Data Saving: Resolved an issue affecting data saving on editor pages and projects.
  • Spacing on Editor Pages: Adjusted the vertical spacing for multi-select fields on editor pages.

Version 0.5.0


  • Development and Production Databases: Introduced distinguishing features between production and development databases.
  • Primitive Content Naming: Enabled assigning of appropriate names to primitive contents.
  • Link Behavior and Display: Improved parent/children link behavior for primitives within the same namespace and enabled display of first-level linked primitives in the table.
  • Smart-delete Functionality: Fully operationalized the smart-delete function for a more seamless user experience.
  • Analytics Support: Introduced support for analytics.
  • Current Version Display: Added display of the app's current version and a link to this page.


  • Layout Issue: Resolved the issue of slideover vs. left bar with overlay.
  • Device Links: Fixed the problem of displaying device links on editor pages.
  • Circular References: Implemented measures to prevent circular references at all nesting levels in trees.