Your hardware
testing platform

TofuPilot helps hardware product teams test smarter and ship faster.
Easy integration in your stack. Automated analytics and traceability.

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Swiss AirtainerInvoliParrotEnlightraCeoTronics

Cut your testing time

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Get unit-level traceability

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"TofuPilot revolutionized our ability to trace complex hardware tests to components during assembly as our production volume grows."

Johana Bernasconi
Lead Engineer at Enlightra

Simple and incremental adoption in your infrastructure

Python Client

Integrate into existing test scripts in 2 minutes.


Works with any programming language.

Embedded Compatible

Raspberry Pi, Arduino Wi-Fi and more.
from tofupilot import TofuPilotClient

client = TofuPilotClient(api_key=my_api_key)

def your_test_function():
    # Test function here
    return True # Test result

result = client.create_run(
    unit_under_test= {
        part_number: 'SI050876',
        serial_number: '7B00865'

Fully integrated with your ERP and MES

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First pass yield increase
Product testing time
Engineering hours saved annually

Trace requirements validation

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"We have been using TofuPilot at Involi for a while. The simplification it brings in our hardware development is simply amazing."

Manu Lubrano
CEO of Involi

Scale with security

Granular user access control
Granular user access control
Local cloud hosting in Europe
Local cloud hosting in Europe
Uptime guarantee
On-premise deployment option
On-premise deployment option
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Join hardware product teams using
TofuPilot to test smarter and ship faster.